Movie Time : Undiscovered
Undiscovered is a 2005 film directed by Meiert Avis. The plot is about a group of aspiring entertainers who intend to establish their careers in Los Angeles. The film was originally called Wannabe, but was retitled prior to release. Undiscovered featured the first significant role in a film for Ashlee Simpson, who had previously acted on the TV show 7th Heaven and then launched a mediocre singing career. "Undiscovered" is also the name of one of Simpson's songs, the closing track from her album Autobiography, and the song is included in the movie. The film, which cost US $9 million to produce, grossed $1,069,318 in its first two weeks, after which its distributor Lions Gate Entertainment chose to cease tracking.[2] Undiscovered bested a record previously held by Gigli for the largest drop in returns in its second weekend (86 percent, versus 82 for Gigli).[3]
That was part of the official review of the movie, which I saw last night. The film was heavily critised and dereied for a bad script and acting - especially Ashleey Simpson, who was awarded the worst supporting actress at the Razzpies....and I agree. She is so pathetic. The rest of the movie and the cast, I actually liked. It's not a movie that I would remember for the rest of my life as being truly great but it still is an okay film. I really liked the lead actress, a fresh faced beauty with a horrible name - Pell James - as bad as she is beautiful. Plus the movie features the world of music, which is great!
Song for the day - "I Don't Wanna Be" - GAVIN DEGRAW